Ready or Not......

Well, it's about time to get in the groove of this blogging thing. I have returned from VA where I got to witness the birth of our 11th grand (Sheppard Turk.)

Joshua Sheppard Turk, born 25 July to Jimmy & Amanda Turk

Now it's time to get serious about getting this place in shape. One of my favorite things to do is organizing so I'm in my element this week. The difficult part of organizing here is that apartments have no closets. For some unknown reason the Austrians like to provide their own closets (thanks IKEA!) Not only do they like their own closets, they also prefer to provide their own light fixtures. So, we still have wires and a light bulb hanging from the ceiling. This all calls for a little creativity which will take much energy to muster.

I have to share a funny story that happened while I was gone. Greg got locked in our apartment. The ancient lock on the only door failed. He called and muddled through the whole saga with the mostly German speaking wife of the landlord. Before she called the locksmith she suggested that he drop a key down into the courtyard to the housekeeper to see if she could open it from the outside, but to no avail. The locksmith arrived two hours later. Greg's boss thought this excuse for being late to work was the best he had heard.

I feel sure that this is just one of many wild experiences we will have in Vienna.
Let the fun begin!


  1. Karen,
    Sounds like you're both adjusting very well.
    What an exciting adventure.
    Congratulations on another grandson. He was a big one! Sounds like you're sold on home birth.
    It's been quite an experience for all of us too.

  2. Your blog looks great...can't wait to follow your journeys in Vienna.
    Enjoyed talking with you today, over ice tea.....I got a lot accomplished today...things slowly but surely coming together!
