I know it's been a while since I blogged. I've been in the States for three weeks visiting family and friends. Greg was in UK for two of those weeks on business so I took advantage of the time to be gone too. It's been a great time with eight of the grandkids, their parents, my brother and sister-in-law, Mom & Euel, my aunt & uncle, my cousin & family and our friends who live in our house in Bulverde. Greg's parents even drove from Abilene to visit for a few days. Of course, as can always be predicted, there were a few hitches: Amy & Sydney came down with strep, Blake developed fluid on his hip joint and had to go to TX Children's Hospital for tests, my stepdad was hospitalized, among a few other little mishaps. I felt needed, though, and was glad to be there for everyone (I don't get to do that too often!) I also got to spend more "alone" time with some of the grandkids.
So, I should be on a plane to Vienna at this moment, but after spending the afternoon and part of the evening at the DC airport I was offered a voucher of $1200 to take the same flight tomorrow so I opted to do so. It was the craziest I've seen Austrian airlines. They had overbooked this flight by 30 people and there were even some who had trip confirmations who got bumped. Needless to say, there were a lot of unhappy campers, actually some who were very irrate and even yelling. I did meet a very nice couple (about my age) who live in Hungary and were in DC visiting their kids. I will look forward to seeing them again tomorrow since they also took the voucher.
Included are a few pictures from my trip. I'm pretty sure you find them delightful!
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