Hard at work!
The week prior to leaving for Texas I hosted a lunch and cookie exchange for the women in my international cooking club.  Normally, the person hosting would prepare a meal from her country while the others observe and assist.  After 3-4 hours of preparations we all partake in a scrumptious meal. 

So, how does one from the United States decide on the food of her country?  It's not as cut and dried as those from other countries.  When I suggested we do a cookie exchange the women were intrigued.  After decorating and baking sugar cookies and dipping oreos topped with caramel in chocolate, we sat down to a lunch of meat and non-meat (for the vegetarians) chili followed by traditional American pumpkin pie.  A good time was had by all.

Countries represented are Portugal, Syria, Germany, Lebanon, Japan, Honduras, and U.S  

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